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Had India Been A Monocracy?

It has been almost 70 glorious years since India achieved independence.The efforts,blood,toil and passion of our respected freedom fighters gave us the India of today.It was their ultimate dream to craft a nation whose citizens would be free to be an integral part of the country's decision making.

Seventy years on,India might be free and those running the nation might be the elected representatives of the masses,but India continues to be plagued by the same old problems of poverty, illiteracy, population, widespread corruption and socio-economic issues.

It is perhaps the time for an able,strong-minded,powerful dictator to control the country's reigns and cleanse the entire system from within.So had India been a dictatorship,what would have been the possibilities? Lets take a look.

Dictatorship would breed development as decision making would be straightforward.A dictator being the sole powerful head of the state would face no opposition from other parties as in a democracy.He will thus have complete freedom to execute his decisions in full throttle which is sure to give way to development.The one man rule would be better off in controlling the variable of human development.One of the biggest examples is China where the population is being controlled through the one child norm policy which is contradictorily impossible in the Indian democracy.Democracy can often stagnate economic development.The longer lasting and biggest economies have occured under dictatorships.An example is Adolf Hitler's reign in Germany.The Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933 at a time when its economy was in total collapse ,with war situations and zero prospects for foreign investment or credit.Yet through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and full-employment public works ,Hitler was able to turn a bankrupt Germany.

Monocracy would breed order.In a country where law and order is disrupted time and again,it is definitely going to help out.Even in this 21st tech-savvy century,Indian women are vulnerable. Rape and molestation cases are reported throughout the country from upscale Delhi to remote villages.The need of the hour is for a strong leader who can make our country safe enough for women,without any fear in their minds .Dictators have incentives to promote development and diminish social differences.

Many of us might be optimistic enough to feel that democracy would prove better for India,but as a youth ,frustrated with the current situation of my country,I feel that we really need a change and dictatorship may just be the way out for a better,brighter side.

No one knows what the future has in store for us. Analysing today's political scenario, dictatorship might be destined for India on the cards in the coming decade.It may sound incredible but hey!there might be a probability though..

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