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Her uniqueness makes her essential

Who looks like the dawn,radiant as the moon and brighter than the sun.Who indeed? A woman of course.

Where in the universe cold we find a creature as glorious as this?The woman is someone designed with blinding beauty alongside robust strength.A woman is a prism that takes in light and turns it into an array of greater, fuller glory so that those around her now see the rainbow that was contained in the beam.She reads the black-white blur of the world and takes on the task of living them out in vibrant hues for her children,family,neighbors and the world to see.

Indian womanhood has enthralled writers from all over the world. She has risen to dizzy heights over the centuries.Volumes have been written about their achievements in the pages of history.The saga of the invincible 'Jhansi ki Rani' has been told and retold even finding expression through films and media which remains a favourite among many.

The same saga has continued into modern day as well. The modern indian woman is an epitome of courage and the ability to fit into diverse roles beautifully.She is a teacher,working woman,corporate CEO,mother,sister,daughter and wife all roled into one.She juggles these roles with great expertise and often plays them all at the same time.

The woman has suffered long enough at the hands of family and relatives. The Indian woman is today capable of playing multiple roles with ease that range from wife to a mother to a sister and a working-woman. She has the caliber for balancing time between her roles and fulfilling each role with ease.

That being said, women are definitely equal to men in most aspects and may be a touch superior in some !

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