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शशांक मनोहर ने आईसीसी चेयरमैन पद से दिया इस्तीफा
March 15, 2017
राज कुमार झा
शशांक मनोहर ने निजी कारणों का हवाला देते हुए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट परिषद (आईसीसी) के चेयरमैन पद से इस्तीफा दे दिया है। मनोहर आठ महीने पहले ही इस पद पे नियुक्त हुए थे।आसीसी ने इस बात की पुष्टी की है कि उसे मनोहर का इस्तीफा मिल चुका है और उनके स्थान पर बोर्ड के नए चेयरमैन की घोषणा जल्द की जाएगी।
मनोहर पिछले साल सर्वसम्मति से आईसीसी के चेयरमैन पद पर नियुक्त हुए थे इस पद पर उनका दो साल का कार्यकाल मई 2018 में सम्पात होना था।शशांक मनोहर अपने इस्तीफे की प्रति आईसीसी के मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी डेविड रिचर्डसन को भेजी।अपने पत्र में मनोहर ने कहा, “बोर्ड के मामलों और सदस्यों के मामलों को तय करने के लिए मैंने निष्पक्ष रुप से सभी निदेशकों के समर्थन के साथ अपना सर्वश्रेष्ठ देने की कोशिश की है।
मनोहर ने कहा , “ लेकिन अब निजी कारणों से चेयरमैन पद का कार्यभार संभालना मेरे लिए संभव नहीं है इसलिए इस पद से तुरन्त प्रभाव के साथ इस्तीफा दे रहा हूँ। उन्होने कहा, मैं सभी निदेशकों, आईसीसी के प्रबंधन और स्टाफ को मेरे समर्थन के लिए शुक्रिया अदा करता हूँ।
पिछले साल आईसीसी के चेयरमैन पद पर नियुक्त होने के बाद से ही मनोहर ने बीसीसीआई, क्रिकेट आस्ट्रेलिया (सीए), इंग्लैण्ड क्रिकेट बोर्ड (इसीबी) के शक्तियों को सीमित करने की कोशिश की थी।

Nike Launches Its First Plus-Size Line
March 14, 2017
B S Supria
Because people over a size of 16 exercise too
Shopping for curvy women can be difficult at the best of times, but finding workout wear is even harder (apparently, most brands believe that people above a size 16 don't exercise). But that's all about to change thanks to Nike, which has just launched its first plus-size range.
"Nike recognizes that women are stronger, bolder and more outspoken than ever," a spokesperson from the athletic brand explained. "In today's world, sport is no longer something that she does, it's who she is. The days where we have to add 'female' before 'athlete' are over. She is an athlete, period. And having helped fuel this cultural shift, we celebrate these athletes' diversity, from ethnicity to body shape."
If you thought producing a plus-size range was just a case of making bigger versions of existing pieces, you'd be wrong. "When we design for plus size, we aren't just proportionately making our products larger," said Helen Boucher, vice president of women's training apparel. "That doesn't work because as we know, everyone's weight distribution is different."
Nikes's plus size collection ranges from size XL to 3XL and is available in store and online now.

स्पॉट फिक्सिग मामले में तेज गेंदबाज मोहम्मद इरफान निलंबित
March 14, 2017
राज कुमार झा
पाकिस्तान क्रिकेट बोर्ड ने तेज गेंदबाज मोहम्मद इरफान को स्पॉट फिक्सिंग मामले में जांच के बाद सस्पेंड कर दिया है. इरफान पर पाकिस्तान सुपर लीग में स्पॉट फिक्सिंग का आरोप है. इरफान ने पीसीबी एंटी करप्शन यूनिट के सामने स्वीकार किया है कि उन्होंने सट्टेबाजो से बात की थी.
सट्टेबाजो ने पीएसएल मैच के दौरान इरफान से संपर्क साधा था. पीसीबी ने इरफान से 14 दिन में जवाब देने को कहा है. इस दौरान वो किसी भी तरह की क्रिकेट में हिस्सा नहीं ले पाएंगे. क्रिकेट बोर्ड की तरफ से उन्हें चार्जशीट भी दी गई है. उन पर पीसीबी की आचार संहिता के उल्लंघन का आरोप है.
वहीं इरफान ने एक दिन पहले कहा था कि उन्होंने स्पॉट फिक्सिंग के ऑफर की बात पहले इसलिए नहीं बताई, क्योंकि वो गहरे मानसिक दबाव में थे. उन्होंने कहा कि हाल में उनके अभिभावकों की मौत हुई है, जिसकी वजह से वो सदमे में थे. इरफान ने पीसीबी एंटी करप्शन यूनिट के सामने माना कि उन्हें स्पॉट फिक्सिंग का ऑफर मिला था.
लेकिन इरफान इस बात से साफ इनकार किया है कि उन्होंने कुछ गलत किया है. उन्होंने कहा, ‘पहले मेरे पिता की मौत पिछले साल सितंबर में हो गई. उसके बाद जनवरी में मेरी मां का लंबी बीमारी के बाद इंतकाल हो गया. मैं इनकी मौत के बाद गहरे मानसिक दबाव में था. इसलिए मैं स्पॉट फिक्सिंग के ऑफर की बात सामने नहीं ला पाया.’
इंटरनेशनल क्रिकेट का यह सबसे लंबे कद का खिलाड़ी पीएसएल में इस्लामाबाद यूनाइटेड के लिए खेल रहा था. पीसीबी के नियमों के मुताबिक ऐसा कोई ऑफर आने पर खिलाड़ी के लिए एंटी करप्शन यूनिट को तुरंत जानकारी देना जरूरी है. ऐसा न करने पर सजा मिलती है. इससे पहले पीसीबी ने शरजील खान और खालिद लतीफ को सस्पेंड किया था. पीसीबी प्रवक्ता के अनुसार इरफान पर आचार संहिता के नियम 2.4.4 के उल्लंघन का आरोप है.

Holi in Sikkim
March 12, 2017
Nika Rai
Like other states in India Sikkim too celebrates Holi in its unique way. Here due to the presence of people from different places, there are no such boundaries in celebrating a colorful fest like holi. But surprisingly among many communities in Sikkim Holi is not an important festival.
The people especially from north India and the Bengal marches out with the varieties of colors and pichkari’s and celebrates among their own group. If you ever go there, watch how people luxuriates in spree of Holi in a segment.
Local people enjoy the high jink of colors burnishing on other people but unlike the people from north states here local people do not fathom its connotation. We may find many activities done in other states but in Sikkim you can hardly find people indulging in such activities.
Usually the state festivals and their own community festivals are crucial other than the festivals that are celebrated in the northern parts. There are numbers of Bihari community and Marwari community, which lets the state indulge in varieties of festivals. Children are the preeminent characters in holi, without them it is impossible to celebrate all the festivals.
March 12, 2017
₹10 cr fetches ₹275 cr: Anil Ambani's firm's gain from Paytm stake sale
Abhishek Thakur
Anil Ambani's Reliance Capital has sold its stake in the country's leading mobile wallet Paytm for Rs 275 crore to Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba group.
The financial services arm of Reliance Group had invested Rs 10 crore for this stake in Paytm. Now, the new deal gives a valuation of over $4 billion to the e-wallet firm, which has been backed by Alibaba group as a strategic investor. Sources said that Reliance Capital has retained a stake in Paytm e-Commerce, which it had got free of cost by virtue of the investment in the parent firm. In the latest fund-raising round, Paytm e-Commerce was valued at $1 billion.
In December last year, Paytm founder and CEO Vijay Shekhar Sharma had sold 1 per cent of his holding in One97 Communications, the parent firm of the digital payments firm, to raise about Rs 325 crore. This money was to be pumped into the group's payments bank operations, which are slated to commence soon. Alibaba Singapore E-commerce, along with investment firm SAIF Partners, will also invest $200 million in Paytm's online marketplace unit.
At present, Jack Ma-owned Alibaba, the largest e-tailer in the world, has 40 per cent stake in the unit along with its investment arm Ant Financial. Paytm's founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma owns about 21 percent in the company. According to media reports, Alibaba was mulling over an option to invest Rs 1,180 crore to raise its stake in Paytm Mall. This move will raise its holding to 62 per cent with the latest investment. The higher stake in Paytm will pit the Chinese e-commerce player against America's Amazon and local market leader Flipkart. The online retail market is estimated to be worth $14 to $16 billion at the end of 2016, up from about $11 billion in 2015, say analysts.
In 2016, there were reports of Alibaba buying Snapdeal. But by the year-end, the possibilities of any deal were ruled out. Earlier, Alibaba was said to eye a stake in India's online marketplace Flipkart too but the deal could not fructify. Alibaba is principally engaged in online and mobile commerce through offering of products, services and technology that enable merchants, brands and other businesses to transform the way they market, sell and operate in the People's Republic of China (the PRC or China) and internationally.
March 06, 2017
Campus on Fire
Niharika Srivastava
There were people who said that,“Ramjas issue has been over exaggerated and is just a political move” but, It is unfair to comment from the outside saying "the issue is over exaggerated" when you were not one of the students locked up inside the campus of the college, when you were not hiding yourself behind furniture, when you did not have to face assault, when you did not take part in a peaceful procession against reckless, unlawful and impolite behavior from an organization.
It was supposed to represent the student’s interests that is interest of conversation, deliberation, debate on important issues, and corruption in the education system.
Do notice that I will not call the respective organization as a political front, but a body ‘’By the students and for the students”. To avoid any confusion, I had like to state I don't support any political party nor I am against any party. Right now, I keep myself away from such discussions to have some peace of mind.
Do you think rape threats and stones being pelted on students who just wanted some dialogue on relevant issues does not deserve attention?
To bring down Gurmehar, for a video she made recently changed the context of the video and focused on just one made the worst.
I have never seen anyone attacking political parties like BJP or Congress, neither I see who this "political move" is attacking.
Usually, I do not involve myself in such debate so I feltmore free to express those.
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